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Making a Business Out of Why Boys Do Not Like to Read
Or What Happened to Gender-Specific Education?



John Hechinger's article in The Wall Street Journal, "Problem: Boys Don't Like to Read.

Solution: Books That Are Really Gross," really raised a powerful business opportunity. The article describes the growth of toilet paper-wrapped, potty-humor and dehumanization to entice boys to read as a major marketing trust for young male books. The implication is that this is what it takes to get modern American boys to read. And part of the problem is that the only other alternative the public education seems to support is "girly" books that bore boys to tears.

That boys are different than girls is not a major new discovery, or that they learn differently. So instead of reading the books offered at school, apparently tailored for girls and not boys, these boys will read non-fiction, sports, and topical magazines when out of school, but not the ones offered by their teachers.

So the alternative within the school appears to appeal to the lowest level of human baseness rather than excite the imagination with heroic action that is the meat of the typical boy's mind. By the way, because these books tend to be "gross," girls typically do not like them. The current strategy seems to be kind of like the answer to not eating is to offer only cookies, candy and cakes to encourage healthy development, and then wondering why they gain weight, and become irritable and have no energy as the sugar high wears off.

Are there any other options? This smacks of a great business opportunity, find what attracts boys and develop the character traits that capitalizes on their innate desire to emulate heroes and build values in the process. So who is doing this?

One is Robert Gould's Time Soldiers® books of Big Guy Books Inc, which represent an entirely new genre of children's books. Think "movie-in-book" or Spielberg makes a picture-book. Specifically, the books are targeted at Millennials, who require more visual stimulation to get their attention. Incorporating real actors and full, movie-style special effects, the books grab the readers' attention immediately...effectively and spontaneously drawing them into the text because their minds have become fully engaged with the visuals.

The goal is to compete with video games, the internet, TV and texting cell phones, by providing young readers with something compelling enough to make them want after page...and then right into the next book in the series. Mr. Gould calls it "Stealth Literacy" and it seems to work as planned. For the stealth part from book #1 to book #6 in the series, the word count doubles and the vocabulary goes up a grade design. And the same boy who would not read before will happily read the entire series. Oops, the test data says girls like them too!

Kids today, especially boys want more visual stimulation and action orientation in what they are reading. It seems that for boys, the left side of the brain can process information (text) better when the right side of the brain is fully engaged (through pictures). An interesting note about these books in the classroom: Boys who never raise their hands with the answer to a question or an offer to read a few lines can be seen doing everything they possibly can to be chosen when reading Time Soldiers. They actually have the answer or want to read because they are finally captivated!

The story lines also appeal to boys, good versus evil, doing the right thing in hard situations, action and adventure, hanging in when the going gets tough, teamwork and loyalty. From the data Big Guy Books has collected it seems that girls enjoy these books just as well.

Books that keep boys and girls aiming at the highest and best values of humanity, incorporating the latest technology and a hungry market sounds like a great business to me. The last time I checked books that appeal to both boys and girls means you can double the size of your market and cut your marketing costs. The opportunity seems to abound. Authors, graphic artists and illustrators should check out some of these state-of-the-art Big Guy Books and make a bright future unfold.