Successful Sales Strategies - Reaping and Sowing
Many sales people are frustrated when they expect
limited sales efforts to produce more sales. Few buyers are ready
to make a decision in one or two contacts, especially if the offering
is of major importance to them. Integrated marketing and sales strategies
can produce immediate and long term results in sales. The key is
to recognize that most major sales prospects, even when they have
a qualifying need will not make a final buying decision on large
sales until there have been enough contacts. These contacts provide
education and build confidence in a particular solution to that
· Repeated Contacts Make the Major
It takes 2-7 contacts for most decision makers to
move forward on a major sale once the trigger-events are in place.
For example the trigger for a new phone solution for a company may
be a new site or the end of a lease agreement. If the company makes
the decision to bid the solution, this becomes a major sale with
many internal customer approvals prior to a funding and making a
buying decision.
If the offering has been bought before and integrated
into the needs process of the customer, then buying decisions are
usually straight forward. This can be as simple as an online catalog
reorder. For example, once a phone system has been selected, additional
phones or even equipping new sites will tend to use the same solution
provided current performance is satisfactory to minimize maintenance
and integration issues. These typically move from the major to small
sales category. Small sales typically need one or two contacts and
fewer approvals to make the sale. This is the Holy Grail for repeat
· There Must be a Need
Whether in large or small sales every buying decision
is based on a need trigger and enough sales contacts to resolve
all concerns with the buying decision. In most business or consumer
cases, for large or major sales, if there is no need, or trigger
event, you cannot sell or create one. No need or problem to solve
means no need to buy, thus no large sale. With the need present,
you may be able to sell your approach to meeting the need if the
prospect was not aware of your solution or its benefits.
For all the millions of cars sold in the world, few
are bought on a whim. They need a trigger need and sufficient, effective
selling contacts. Sales people who find those with a trigger need,
and make those 2-7 contacts lead to sales. Whatever marketing and
sales channels are used to make those 2-7 selling contacts, these
contacts need to be made to make a sale provided the trigger-need
is there. Make no or insufficient contacts and no sale is made.
· Why Some Marketing Seems to Not Work
This is why many sales people who are looking for
results out of one or two contacts say direct mail, advertising,
etc. has poor performance. These tools do work in satisfying the
2-7 contacts to make a decision. If a decision maker needs 5 contacts,
and you have only provided 3, even with a need, there is no sale
at that third contact. Someone else will satisfy the other 2 and
get the sale.
· Reaping Where You Did not Sow
But if you stop early in the process, you will not
get a sale even if you made 4 contacts and then stopped when they
needed 5. Since almost everyone needs more than one contact for
a major purchase, if they buy on your first contact, someone else
has satisfied the necessary contacts and you reap where you did
not sow.
Copyright 2008 Donald C. Mann. All rights reserved
Don Mann advises CEOs and business leaders across the globe. In organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100 he has delivered level-raising results of improved innovation, sales, profits and cash flow in good and hard times. His results include developing and improving highly productive and lean organizations with more rapid responsiveness, reduced stress and profitable customer delight. Sitting on a number of boards, he helps CEOs grow their companies and shareholder value. For more information, contact him at: